A collection of videos by UD experts on topics ranging from student engagement to instructional design.
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What is ChatGPT? How should you adjust your teaching in response to ChatGPT and other AI? This video, recorded in February 2023, takes a deep dive into this topic.
Multiple choice questions offer instructors a testing tool that is widely known and used, easy to administer, and painless to score.
How is your course like a roundabout? Find out what traffic circles have to do with course design in this video.
Discover the power stories have to increase your students' buy-in, comprehension, and retention.
Help students prepare for exams by facilitating studying exercises using the Study Questions tool.
Start the semester off right by pruning your course site of extraneous tools, materials, or directions that were built for hybrid or flexible courses during the pandemic.
Dr. Andy Slade, English Department Chair, shares the approach he established during the summer of 2020 to create faculty teams and maintain engagement.
Conduct a productive dialogue in an online environment by establishing ground rules, acknowledging trigger points, and equalizing the conversation space.
Promoting Academic Integrity Part 1: Defining the Problem & First Steps
Promoting Academic Integrity Part 2: Tools in Isidore
Promoting Academic Integrity Part 3: Plagiarism & Contract Cheating
Tracking attendance in a blended class can be tricky. See 4 different approaches for recording attendance in a blended environment.
First impressions are critical! Listen to two UD instructors share 5 strategies for an engaging first day of class.
Listen to UD's resident experts in blended teaching, Dr. Kellie Schneider and Dr. Ed Mykytka, share their advice for teaching face-to-face and online at the same time.
Equalize the playing field in a blended class by utilizing resources prepared by Dr. Julio Quintero in the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Learn how to utilize strategic discussion strategies that engage your students and reduce your overall grading load.
Learn how to reduce your grading time while assuring that your students are completing rigorous learning exercises.
Encourage active learning in your blended classes by using collaboration tools such as murals and Zoom breakout rooms.
Incorporating the ARCS method of motivation into your course communications to help increase student intrinsic motivation.
Enhance course engagement and learning outcomes using gamification techniques.