Settings and Organization

Potential Questions

Potential Questions You May Have:

If I sort my videos by tag will students also see my library in the way I have organized it?
Each individual user has complete control over how they sort their Warpwire library. That means, that even though you are the administrator of your own library, those with access to it will see it in the order they choose. The default order is by date added to the library. We highly recommend embedding your videos within the lessons tool so that students access the correct videos at the correct time. See Lesson three on embedding videos in lessons.
Can I change my Video's thumbnail?
A Warpwire video automatically selects a screen capture from the video to use as its thumbnail image. Sometimes this selected image is not an ideal choice, or captures one’s image in a non-flattering view. Luckily this can be changed in the Settings menu, allowing you to pick any screen capture from the video.
How do I rename my video?
When uploading videos to Warpwire, they are often populated with the default title of the video file. Oftentimes this can be a series of letters and numbers, especially with Zoom downloads. You have the opportunity to change the title at the time of upload, however, if you forget to make this change, or wish to re-title your video later; you have the option to do so in the settings menu. For ease of use, we recommend using a standardized naming convention, such as: Module 1, Lesson 1- Introduction or M1 L1 Intro. This makes embedding videos much easier.
How do I update a setting on all my videos at once?
You can do a bulk update to videos by clicking on the open circle in the upper right corner of your Warpwire library, and then either click the select all button underneath to select all videos in the library or select few by clicking on the circle underneath the individual videos you wish to apply the setting to. Then in the batch actions drop down menu choose which action you would like to take.