The Basics of Warpwire

Potential Questions

Potential Questions You May Have:

How do I create my own videos?
You can create your own videos using any video recording tool you have access to. Popular ways of doing this is by using Snagit which is a screen capture software that we are happy to provide faculty a license for. Other alternatives are to use your camera phone, a camera with video recording capabilities, or other software that came with your computer. For suggestions on creating quality lecture videos please see this help video.
Do students view videos directly from the Warpwire tool?
Students can be directed to the Warpwire tool to view videos but we recommend embedding the videos or links to the videos within lessons. This is explained and demonstrated in Lesson four of this series.
How long can my videos be?
We recommend creating lecture videos that are no longer than 10-15 minutes, but acknowledge that sometimes it’s necessary for videos to be longer than this. The maximum file size that can be uploaded is 10 GB.
Can students upload videos to the Library?
Students can upload to the Warpwire tool. Before doing so, you must grant them permission to do so as directed in the instructions on our eWiki page. You will want to give students clear instructions on the correct labeling/naming procedure before uploading to help with organization.