ATLS Core 6

How Do You Know If Students Are Learning?

Assessment of student learning is frequently cited as a bane of teaching. Despite the bad rap, gauging learning is critical for students to improve their study methods and just as critical for teachers to adjust pedagogical approaches and provide personalized feedback to students. This session explores assessment from the perspectives of different disciplines with an eye to employing more joyful, effective and efficient assessment practices in your classes.

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Upcoming Sessions

  • Thu., Oct. 24, 2024 at 11:00 AM
    LTC Forum - Rm 044
    1 hr. 30 min.
  • Wed., Mar. 26, 2025 at 2:30 PM
    LTC Forum - Rm 044
    1 hr. 30 min.
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Session Facilitator(s)
  • Nicola Work
    Nicola Work

    Associate Professor of French and LTC Fellow for Professional Development, Global Languages and Cultures

Learning Outcomes

As a result of attending this session, participants will be able to:

  1. Recognize the importance of assessing student learning.
  2. Apply backward design principles to ensure learning goals are supported & evaluated.
  3. Recognize the role different kinds of assessment can play in facilitating learning.
  4. Design assessment strategies that create reflective, engaged, and motivated students.
Session Resources
  • Session Slides (Attendance Required)